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The Omnivore's Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Omnivore's Dilemma - Essay Example Subjects, for example, dairy cattle industry, the capon business, the concealed expenses of mo...

Monday, September 30, 2019

What to Do if There are Suspicions or if Someone Alleges They are Being Abused

RecogniseRecognise the signs and symptoms or believe what you are toldRespondComfort – warm and caring Reassure the person that you believe them and that it is not their fault/they are in no way to blame Do not promise that you will keep it secret (may need to pass on to help them, important not to say one thing and do another) but only to people who need to know and will help Protect the individual – ensure they are in a safe place and protected from any further possibility of abuse Medical assistance if requiredReportReport the allegation immediately to a senior colleague (manager or named safeguarding lead) May have formal referral procedures or may make initial verbal referralRecordPreserve any evidenceTry to remember as much as you can – listen carefullyFull written report as soon as possible after the event including everything you observed, everything you have been told, any previous concerns you may have had, what has raised your concerns on this occasion Accurate and factualMake clear what you have actually seen and what is hearsay. Do not ask leading questionsReferYou may need to make a referral to another agencyIdentify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preservedIf this is a potential crime scene, must be very careful not to destroy any potential evidence.Do not clear up or wash or clean any part of the room or area in which the alleged abuse took place †¢Don’t disturb the scene, clothing or victim.Don’t remove anything (e.g. clothing, bedding).Do not allow victim to wash, bathe, brush hair or teeth etc).Secure the scene (e.g. lock the door).Preserve other potential evidence (e.g. documents) by locking them away.Keep other people out of the area.Get advice from the police if in doubt.Bear in mind that any medical treatment is a priority and must be provided immediately but make it clear to any medical staff that the situation may result in a prosecution so they need to record any findings carefully in ca se theu need to make a statement later.Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuseShould be simple to follow because it encourages people to raise their concerns.Indicates the organisation will respond to those concerns.If it’s too difficult to make a complaint, people won’t complain and the abuse may continue.Can identify any areas of weakness in a provider and help improve the service.If a complaints procedure is clear and easily accessible, abusers are more likely to be challenged on their behaviour. Knowing this would make them less likely to abuse.Helps vulnerable individuals to feel protected, empowered and less likely to accept abuse.Describe unsafe practices that may affect the well-being of individualsLack of training (e.g. manual handling, personal care, eating and drinking).Not observing confidentiality.Not following infection control procedures.Confusion over prescribing and administering medication.Fire evacuation procedures.Failure to comply with regulations.Explain the actions to take if unsafe practices have been identifiedTell their manager or named safeguarding person.Describe the actions to take if suspected abuse or unsafe practices have been reported but nothing has been done about itRecord any information carefully (factual, time and date etc).Keep moving through the management chain. If no one in your organisation responds, contact CQC or IW Council Safeguarding Adults Board (google and find out how to contact).If it is a criminal offence (e.g. theft, fraud, physical or sexual abuse) refer the matter to the police.Public Concern at Work is a national organisation that provides information legal advice to people who are concerned about malpractice at work.Free and confidential advice. (www.pcaw.co.uk) May be very difficult to pass information on – this is known as ‘whistleblowing’ Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) protects whistleblowers and ensure s you cannot be victimised by your employer for reporting abuse or any other illegal acts So long as you have a ‘reasonable belief’ that one of the following is taking, has taken or may take place, you are protected by law:A criminal offence.Breach of a legal obligation.Miscarriage of justice.Danger to the health and safety of any person.Damage to the environment.Deliberate covering up of information tending to show any of the above.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Description of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research refers to the systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. [1] The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. Quantitative data is any data that is in numerical form such as statistics, percentages, etc. 1] In layman's terms, this means that the quantitative researcher asks a specific, narrow question and collects numerical data from participants to answer the question. The researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics. The researcher is hoping the numbers will yield an unbiased result that can be generalized to some larger population. Qualitative research, on the other hand, asks broad questions and collects word data from participants. The researcher looks for themes and describes the information in themes and patterns exclusive to that set of participants.Quantitative research is widely used in social sciences such as: psychology, economics, sociology, and political science, and information technology, and less frequently in anthropology and history. However, research in mathematical sciences such as: physics is also ‘quantitative' by definition, though this use of the term differs in context. In the social sciences, the term relates to empirical methods, originating in both philosophical positivism and the history of statistics, which contrast qualitative research methods.Quantitative research is generally made using scientific methods, which can include: The generation of models, theories and hypotheses The development of instruments and methods for measurement Experimental control and manipulation of variables Collection of empirical data Modeling and analysis of da ta The Process: The research process entails a number of steps which include the research question, literature review, research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results and answering the research question. Hughes, 2006) From the above diagram it is evident that there are steps that should be followed when undertaking quantitative research, these steps are discussed below: (Creswell, 2003) 1) Selection of topic: The first step when undertaking quantitative research is the identification of the research topic, this involves designing the research question, the selection of the topic will depend on a number of factors and they include topic selection due to interest of an individual, significance of the social phenomena, research based on existing theories and the ability to research on the topic. Creswell, 2003) 2) Literature review: The next step is to undertake research on previous theories that have been developed based on the selected research topic. This step will also involve selection of the theoretical approach that will be used in the study. This step will also involve formulation of questions that will be answered in the study, at this point a literature review will be prepared in order to identify previous studies and theories that support the research questions and methods that will used in the study. Creswell, 2003) 3) Research design: Research design is determined by the research question, this involves identifying the most appropriate way to structure the quantitative research in order to answer the research question, the research question will also determine the type of data to be collected and analyzed. 4) Data collection methods: The research design will involve selection of the most appropriate data collection method.Data collection methods include Questionnaires, Structured Interview, and Observation and analyzing documents i) Questionnaires: Questionnaires involve the formulation of questions that aid in the collecti on of data, questionnaires can be administered to respondents or mailed to the respondents, questionnaires are prepared and pre tested to determine whether questions are biased. Questions formulated will be based on the research question whereby they will aid in the collection of data that will help answer the research questions.Questions will either be closed or open ended, open ended questions are those questions that will require the respondent to input his own answers to the questions whereas closed questions are those questions whereby the respondent will choose from a list of answers highlighted in the questionnaire. (Fowler, 2008) ii) Interviews: An interview can be undertaken to collect data, there are two types of interviews and they include face to face interview and telephone nterview, a face to face interview will involve collection of data whereby the respondent and research administrator sit together, a telephone interview on the other hand will involve calling the res pondent and answers obtained over the phone, a face to face interview is considered more expensive given that the research administrator may be required to travel and also this process may be time consuming. Fowler, 2008) Interview are further subdivided into structured and unstructured interview, structured interview involves setting up a set of questions that will be administered while unstructured involve asking the respondent to elaborate on certain issues. (Fowler, 2008) iii) Observation Observation is another method of collecting data, this method involves observing participants and recording data, for example collecting data on the number of vehicles that use a certain highway will involve the observation method of collecting data. Fowler, 2008) iv) Analyzing documents: This is secondary data collection method that involves collecting data from published documents example journals and a book, other sources include online databases which are relatively cheap methods of obtaini ng data, this method is preferred given that it is less time consuming and also less costly.This method however have a disadvantage given that it may given rise to accuracy problems, data accuracy will depend on the purpose of the data collected and that there may rise problem when data may unavailable and therefore a researcher will be required to use primary sources of data which include interview and questionnaires. Fowler, 2008) When designing the research data collection methods it is important that the researcher takes into consideration the respondent attitude, data collection methods such as questionnaires should be designed taking into consideration the reaction of the respondents when a certain question is directed to them, also the research questions should be clear and simple and should not be leading questions.The other factor that should be taken into consideration is the cost, when selecting the data collection method one should take into consideration the cost associ ated with that method and whether there exist ways to reduce such costs, face to face interview sometimes may be costly and time consuming and therefore questionnaires that are relatively cheap may be preferred, also the questionnaires may be more appropriate given that they are less time consuming given that a lot of data can be collected at once, for example a tudy that involves participants from different regions and the respondent sends the questionnaires to the respondents. (Fowler, 2008) 5) Sampling: Sampling in social research refers to the selection of a few respondents from a population, in some studies it is impossible to collect data from the entire population and therefore a sample is selected, when an appropriate sample is selected it results will represent the entire population, a sample reduces the cost associated with data collection and also reduces time consumed while collecting data.There are two types of sampling and they include probability sampling methods and non probability sampling methods. In probability sampling the sampling error can be estimated and a confidence interval established for the entire population, probability sampling methods include random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling and clustered sampling. Stuart, 1994) i) Simple random sampling: In simple random sampling the population respondents or units are identified and a random number generator is used, each unit in the population is assigned a number and the unit corresponding with the random number generator is included in the sample. The appropriate sample size is calculated using the expected error and therefore the number of total units selected corresponds to the calculated sample size. Stuart, 1994) ii) Systematic sampling: This is a probability sampling method that involves the selection of the sample using intervals, the first step in undertaking a systematic sample is assigning each unit a number, the researcher then decides on the appropriate s ample size and then the sample is selected using intervals, example a study may use systematic sample with a ten unit interval, this means that the first number to be selected will be 1, the next 11, the next 21, if the interval is 5 then the first number will be 1 then 6 then 11 etc. Stuart, 1994) iii) Stratified sampling: Stratified sampling is also an acceptable probability sampling method, this method involves subdividing the entire population using certain characteristics example stratifying data into regions or gender, the next step involves undertaking simple random sampling on the categories and selecting the appropriate sample size. (Maxwell, 2005) iv) Snowball sampling: Snowball sampling is another sampling method which is a non probability sampling method, this method involves selecting the first respondent and then asking the respondent to refer you to another respondent, a good example whereSnowball sampling is used where we have certain units with unique characteristic s, example a research study on gay marriages will use these sampling method, or a study on prostitution will involve this sampling method given that the respondents will refer you to people they know who have the same characteristics. (Stuart, 1994) 6) Ethical issues: In research there are some ethical issues that need to be taken into consideration, this includes confidentiality, cause no harm to respondents, anonymity and consent.A researcher should treat information collected with confidentiality, this means that the researcher should not state that a particular respondents made a certain statement. The other ethical issue to observe is anonymity whereby the respondent should not given out their names or reference numbers that may identify them as the particular individual that gave certain statements. (Punch, 2005) The other ethical issue is consent.Participants should be briefed on the purpose of the study and also be informed on any recording that may take place, this way the researcher should gain the consent of the participants by briefing them on the purpose of the study and also how the information will be recorded. Finally the research should not cause harm to the individuals, this takes place whereby the researcher should not ask questions that offend the participants. Fowler, 2008) 7) Data analysis: When data has been collected the next step is to analyze data using statistical techniques such as calculating the mean, variance, correlation and regression analysis, all the data collected should be analyzed but some exceptions are made for example cases where we have incomplete questionnaires are rejected and not included in the analysis. In this stage the researcher should report accurately the results obtained and should not in any way alter variables collected in achieving desired results.Data should be presented as they are and a report written to show how the data respond to the research question or topic. (Bamberger, 2000) 8) Other factors to consider: A good research study will be free from bias, this means that the information and data collected from the study should not vary in any systematic way, and bias in a study may be eliminated through the use of random sampling and also eliminating biased treatment of participants that may affect their responses. (Flick, 2006) Conclusion: From the above discussion it is evident that when undertaking quantitative research one has to take into consideration a number of actors, the first step is to formulate a research question, the next step involves literature review where a researcher should search for information on previous studies undertaken on the chosen research question. The next step involves research design where the data collection method and the sampling method is chosen, a researcher may chose to use questionnaires, interview or observation to collect data. Research design also involves choosing an appropriate sampling method when the population is large, sampling m ethods include random sampling, quota sampling, systematic sampling and stratified sampling.Sampling helps in reducing costs associated with collecting data from the entire population and also is less time consuming whereby the study is undertaken only a few participants. After sampling and preparation of the data collection method the next step is data analysis and interpretation, this involves recording all the data collected and analyzing data to make statistical inferences and descriptive statistics, results should also report on how the data has helped answer the research question.Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. [1] Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often needed than large samples.In the conventional view, qualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied, and any more general conclusions are only propositions (informed assertions). Quantitative methods can then be used to seek empirical support for such research hypotheses. This view has been disputed by Oxford University professor Bent Flyvbjerg, who argues that qualitative methods and case study research may be used both for hypotheses-testing and for generalizing beyond the particular cases studied Research training in the Philippines: exploring the issues for a nation striving to enhance research quality Angelito CalmaCentre for the Study of Higher Education The University of Melbourne Abstract Internationally, research training is changing face due to global changes affecting higher education. Higher education in the Philippines is also affected by these changes. Currently, the Philippines, throu gh the Commission on Higher Education and higher education institutions, is embarking on new ways to enhance research and research training. To reach this objective, however, some areas of research and research training require attention.Thus, the purpose of this paper is two-fold: (1) to identify areas for scrutiny and (2) to propose possible strategies to enhance research training in the Philippines. Introduction It was more than a decade ago that the OECD (1995) highlighted the changing face of research training internationally. Today, research and research training remain under pressure to address a broad array of societal demands. This is due to changes globally and to how nations and universities position themselves as shareholders in a complex knowledge society.If relevance and viability were the language of the past, now and into the future issues of quality, accountability, and internationalisation of research will come to the fore. In the Philippines, higher education push es for ways to ‘[promote] research to push forward the frontiers of knowledge and to develop a culture of research among higher education institutions’ (Commission on Higher Education [CHED], 2007a, para. 2). To reach this objective, however, some areas of research and research training require inquiry and evaluation.Thus, the rationale for this paper is two-fold: (1) to identify areas for scrutiny and (2) to propose possible strategies to enhance research training in the Philippines. The effects of globalisation place necessary demands upon higher education generally. In particular, the effects are felt in the areas of teaching, research, and postgraduate research training. Marginson (2007) maintains that higher education supports ‘multiple connections across the range of teaching, research, doctoral training, and business activities’ (p. ) and universities will continually compete to occupy global spaces to position themselves strategically. Part of this global positioning strategy is advancing research. One way of doing this is by pursuing developments in postgraduate research training. Thus, research training in the future will increasingly play an important role. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the field of research training. The range of research objectives is quite diverse.However, it is observed that research into research training primarily involves the development and evaluation of practices across specific disciplines and institutions. In the Philippines, however, little has been done in this area, much less on the analysis and appraisal of national and institutional research training policies. Research training in the Philippines†¦ 2 This is why research training in the Philippines needs examination and, I will argue, development.For a country where research is at the periphery of higher education curricula and where universities are mostly ‘teaching universities’ as opposed to †˜research universities’ (Bernardo, 2007), the Philippines faces one of the greatest challenges in restructuring its higher education to compete globally, or even with its closest neighbour countries, in areas of research. In the past years, the country’s competitive advantage has largely been its human capital due to the substantial economic gains that dollar remittances from overseas workers bring in.The emphasis in higher education has been on the education and training of nurses, teachers, engineers, and computing specialists and this could well be explained by employment opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region and across the globe. This is evident in the statistical reports published by the CHED (2007b) which reflect (1) Business & Administration, (2) Medical, (3) Education & Teacher Training, and (4) Engineering & Technology courses remain as top disciplines of choice for most students in recent years.However, there has been less attention placed into the educat ion and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the area of research. Research remains a peripheral component of undergraduate and postgraduate curricula whilst research training continues to be an under-developed activity. The influx of students from other countries also influences higher education in the Philippines. This is especially so now that neighbour countries like South Korea increasingly view Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs) as hubs for undergraduate education.One reason for this is because English is one of the two official languages of the Philippines. However, the Philippines has thus far not positioned itself as a preferred choice for postgraduate education despite English language advantage. Perhaps some areas that need development are the HEIs’ readiness for research, their research capabilities, and the strength of their academic staff in research and research training. The Philippines remains relatively unsuccessful in attracti ng postgraduate students from Asia-Pacific compared to countries from non-English speaking backgrounds such as Singapore or Malaysia.It has been the national policy of the CHED to enhance research in the Philippines. To do this, examining and developing research training is critical. Research training is at the core of enhancing and promoting research within HEIs. There are even more reasons to develop research training in the Philippines given the strategic directions that HEIs currently take. First, amongst HEIs, one of their aims has been to attract international students due to insufficient funding on public universities as well as to move away from over-dependence on tuition fees from local students for private universities.Second, universities increasingly find it important to integrate research into their postgraduate education curricula and moving towards becoming ‘research universities’. Finally, HEIs push for local accreditation and international quality stand ards benchmarking to mark their place in Asia-Pacific. Thus, it is a critical part of this transformation and positioning to examine research training structures, policies, and practices. This paper focuses on presenting briefly the higher education system in the Philippines and the context of postgraduate education and research training within HEIs.It concludes with an exploration of some important areas for scrutiny and possible strategies to develop research training in the country. Instructions 1. Conducting Research o1 Formulate a research question. Qualitative studies aim to explore and/or describe, not explain phenomena. The question should reflect precisely what you aim to explore or describe in your study. The question should also connect to or be relevant to the field that you are studying.For example, if you are interested in exploring how the parents of young children understand their children's learning in an arts environment your question could be, â€Å"What are the parental perceptions of learning for their preschoolers ages 3 through 5 in an early childhood museum-based visual arts program? † o2 Conduct a literature review. Look for strong academic literature from peer-reviewed journals on your chosen subject. o3 Choose a qualitative approach. This should match or be connected to the subject of your study.Examples of qualitative approaches include ethnography (immersing yourself in one specific culture or group of people to conduct in-depth interviews and observation), phenomenology (exploring the participant's subjective interpretations), grounded theory (creating new theory that is grounded in the data) or action research (the researcher is part of what is being studied, such as a teacher researching her own classroom). o4 Decide on the methods that you will be using. Common qualitative methods include participant observation, direct observation, interviewing and document reviews.Some methods may work better with some approaches. For example, if you are conducting an ethnographic study you would want to rely more heavily on observation techniques. o5 Collect your data via the chosen method. o6 Analyze your data. This may include a method such as constant comparison (comparing different pieces of data against each other). Typically, qualitative researchers will analyze their data using a system of alphabetic codes that express different themes or concepts that emerge from the information.Considerations for Choosing a Topic †¢Choose a topic that you find interesting. oYou will be spending a lot of time researching and writing it, and a topic that interests you will make the process more enjoyable. †¢Pick a controversial issue that you are passionate about. oA hot topic for a speech or persuasive paper that interests you will make the research appealing. †¢Select a topic with multi-purpose research potential oIs it possible to research two different aspects of the same subject for two classes? If so, you will be multi-tasking and saving time.Note: this is not turning in the same paper for two different classes; this is using your research time wisely †¢Choose a topic that relates to your personal interests or future profession. oIf you are writing a persuasive paper on a topic of your choice can you tie it into your major so that the research will have a future benefit to you? This will add value to the research process. †¢Decide on a unique or original topic. Put your own spin on it! oImagine your professor reading 25 papers on the same topics year after year. An original topic or perspective will be welcomed favorably!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Rose for Emily vs the Lottery

Robert Brockel Brockel1 Dr. Robert Janusko English 2 19 February 201 Foreshadowing There are many ways that a reader can be prepared for the ending of a story, â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"A Rose for Emily† are two very grueling short stories with a long suspense and a similar plot. The narrator’s stance in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† was first-person observer, which is defined as a single character point of view in which the narrator was is not involved with the story and the narrator’s stance in â€Å"The Lottery† was third-person anonymous which is involves a narrator that does not enter any minds.Both stances conceal the endings and both the stories use imagery and foreshadowing to prepare the reader for the ending. â€Å"A Rose for Emily† contains more direct clues but leaves you second guessing whether what is anticipated really happens. â€Å"The Lottery† is better known for concealing the entire story till the ending. Shirle y Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† is a very surprising story to say the least and gives an overview in the beginning of a small American town of three hundred people that have an annual ritual called â€Å"the lottery. There are significant parts of the story that adumbrate the end of the story and leave the reader in a muddle until the end. First off, in the beginning of the story, the children of the town have just finished school Brockel 2 for the summer on a beautiful June day and they are running around gathering stones to form into a pile. The anticipated ritual is performed to ensure a good harvest even though they do not remember this. One character named Warner quotes an old proverb, â€Å"Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. Knowing how the story ends its hard to understand that people in an old American town would sacrifice one for the belief that is would give them decent fruitage for the months to come. This story would have a better affiliation with anothe r part of the world where people live in cannibalistic tribes; then it would be easier to predict the ending. Shirley Jackson leaves her audience in the dark until the ending. Tessie’s late arrival at the lottery ritual instantly sets her apart from the crowd of town people, and the Mr.Summers makes a statement to her â€Å"Thought we were going to have to get on without you† (Pg4p9). The town people have prescience about Tessie’s fate. When Mr. Summers asks whether the Watson boy will draw for him and his mother, no reason is given why Mr. Watson wouldn’t draw as all the other husbands and fathers do, which suggests that Mr. Watson may have been last year’s victim. William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is a very chilling story that opens with a brief first-person account of the funeral of Emily Grierson who is an old widow.Her father died when Emily was about thirty and she refused to accept that he was dead for three days. Mr. Grierson choked Emily’s social ability. After a life of having potential husbands rejected by her father, she spends time after his death with a newcomer, Homer Barron who is a northern laborer. Emily buys arsenic from a shop in town for no Brockel 3 possible reason, which gives her neighbors the idea that she is going to kill herself.Whether or not she is going to kill herself, the reader does not know but the fact that the narrator mentions the poison implies that someone is going to die. She then takes the life of the man whom she refuses to allow to abandon her while the house is a symbol of a shield as she is the outsider of the town and no one knows of the death until she passes away. Faulkner describes her later in the story as someone bloated and pallid with steel hair. This signifies death is close by.Her death ignited a great deal of curiosity about her reclusive individuality. After she was buried, a group of local citizens entered her house to see what remained of her life there. The door to her bedroom was locked kicking in the door they see what had been hidden for so long. Inside, among the possessions that were in Emily’s room were wedding material and the horribly decomposed corpse of Homer Barron on the bed. On the pillow beside him was the indentation of her head, and a single thread of Emily's grey hair.This could be foreshadowed by the disappearance of Homer Barron and the horrible odor that was in the air. We learn a lot about the lottery, including the elements of the tradition that have survived or have been lost. We learn about the significance of the lottery and how important it is to the villagers, particularly Old Man Warner. We also read through the entire ritual, hearing characters names and watching the men approach the box to take their slips. But Shirley Jackson never tells us what the lottery prize is until the moment the first rock is thrown at Tessie. A Rose for Emily† Is a very similar situation in the B rockel 4 sense that we learn about almost everything, how queer the life of Emily Grierson is, the struggle she went through with losing her father, and the curiosity of the citizens from the town. The things we are not aware of are concealed within her house until they kick open her upstairs bedroom door. Both narrators, with different points of view, prepare the audience for the story without giving away the ending.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Management and Leadership (3) - Essay Example The political environment of the location insisted on selling off the German Subsidiary of GM, Opel to the other investors formed by the coalition of Canadian-Austrian Brand Magna and Russian bank Sberbank but the company did not agree to that. Funding were being offered by government business regulating agencies to the company to remain in the European market with an assurance of providing 5,500 jobs to the people in the Vauxhall unit of the company (Boston, 2009). More emphasis given on the restructuring of the system in order to resist the effect of the economic crisis and form an entirely new system to provided emergence of new opportunities for business and the employment activities (Brunello, 2009). Buyer Bargaining Power – The complications between GM and German authorities including the other involved companies influenced the buyers’ decision over GM products. It indicated the strengthening of the bargaining power of buyers. Competitive Rivalry – The competitive rivalry between GM and other European brands have increased because of the controversial situation of Opel in European market. To perform in such kind of highly competitive environment GM adopted approaches of product differentiation as it supported the company to develop its unique image in its customer group. Threat of New Entrants – The economic condition of the location does not have potential capability which allows any new organization to enter the market as the economic condition gradually became worse. GM remained out of such kind of pressure as due to several big brands it becomes tough for any company to start its own business in the automobile sector. Resources – The Company possess a strong resource backing for both tangible as well as intangible resources. Forming strategic partnership has also benefited the organization in generating resources for its production process. To confirm the availability of its resources the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Population Impact on Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Population Impact on Environment - Essay Example The size of population has a great impact on the environment. With the increasingly growing number of the world population, the natural resources are also under increasing pressure. If the population continues to grow with the current rate, more and more resources will be consumed, which will be a major threat to public health and development. Only 10,000 years ago the world population was one million, by 1960 it was 3 billion and currently the world population is seven billion (Emmott). According to estimates, the world population by 2050 will increase by 9 billion and maybe in some part of the future there will be ten billion of us (Emmott). The numbers of the growing population are shocking and outrageous. The large population numbers have a humongous impact not just on the environmental resources, but also the world climate, human health and the economic situation. The last century exhibited a rise in the population number and also revealed some major effects on the environment and public health. Developing countries consume more and more resources, because of the fast rate of population growth and need the resources to improve their living standards. On the other hand, developed countries have stronger economies and consume more resources than they can regenerate (Hinrichsen and Robey). The environmental sector showed that unclean water is supplied to major part of the population and kills 12 million people annually, majority of the victims are in the developing countries.

How Cura Personalis Relates to the Practice of Pharmacy Essay

How Cura Personalis Relates to the Practice of Pharmacy - Essay Example The researcher states that through reflection upon various incidences in his life and that of others, the author has experienced God's presence. For instance, the researcher once got out from a fatal accident alive, and that encounter made him realize that God still had more plans for the author. That experience will always give him the motivation to care for his patient deeply as brothers and sisters in Christ. Being Gods children created in His image and likeness, we have the potential to tap that power and implement it for the good of ourselves and others. The author will, therefore, always strive to commit himself to do and give the best he can for the greater good of every person at his service. For effective treatment recovery of all patients, personal care is essential. Ignatius values have taught me to care and show concern for the whole person without discrimination. The researcher will, therefore, respect human dignity always and treat everyone equally without considering r eligious affiliation believing that we are all children of God. The Cura Personalis will also help the author to treat his patients’ body, mind, and spirit, thus, treating the whole person because these three are connected. When dealing with patients, the researcher will not always view it as dealing with a condition or disease but rather be compassionate about their situation and lives. As a result, he will always make right decisions and prescribe the best treatment. The author’s empathetic nature will compliment this value to help him connect with the patients and show them that he cares about their best. At critical moments, faith and believe in God will always keep the author moving forward to offer the best services even when people have given hope. Believing that God calls and we are only there to respond requires faith and trust in Him, the institution has inculcated this value into the author’s life by bringing God closer to their classroom every time. Prayers before everything will, therefore, keep him strong in faith, thus, tackling whatever situation that prevails with confidence and trust in God.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Essay - 3

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business - Essay Example As a result of this open registration system, shipping companies that are located within the United States or other countries can register their ships in countries such as Liberia, Mangolia or Cyprus where the labor laws and environmental standards are much less stringent and thereby is able to escape liability for many of the regulations that are enforced upon ships registered in other countries. Harun Ur Rashid (2005) points out how the flag of convenience is one aspect of international shipping law that has allowed ships to escape liability for some of the worst accidents that have occurred, such as the oil spills off Spain’s northwest Coast on November 13, 2002, which was one of the worst environmental disasters in history, yet no liability could be pinned on the ship that was operating at below optimum standards. Ships can also escape liability for issues involving immigration and the liability of individual citizens of various countries who are employees on board its vessels. For example, the case of Empresa Hondurana de Vapores v McLeod involved an issue aboard a ship with a flag of convenience, which was registered in Honduras. The National Labor relations Board directed that an election be conducted among all foreign seamen aboard the ship. This was contested by the Honduran company that owned the ship as a violation of the private law of Honduras and thereby a violation of international treaty obligations1 as well as a violation of the United States Constitution itself. The Plaintiffs relied upon the case of Fay v Douds in which the Court held that district courts have jurisdiction over proceedings where constitutional rights are violated. The company therefore sought and won an injunction in a federal district court against the order of the National Labor relations Board on the basis that the Board had extended its jurisdiction into the foreign relations field through ordering such an election (Powar, 1962). Moreover, in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research proposal - Essay Example Similarly, it will look at all the setbacks of a micro business when the particular steps are not accomplished. For instance, a micro business should ensure all the customer relationship managers keep close business relationships with their customers (Fjermestad and Romano, 2006:9). This will prepare the managers to ensure they are serving the customers according to their needs. With satisfied customers, it is most likely that the business will thrive in execution of its duties. However, in most cases, managers that are haphazard in their duties will repel customers. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the micro business to consider this factor. Literature Review Customer relationship management depicts the model that is used in micro business to interact with the customers that are allied to the business. Similarly, it also depicts preparation for interactions with the potential customers that are likely to transact businesses with the business in the near future. Therefore, t he management should be prepared to deal with these customers in the best way possible. To begin with, there is a need to use technology in organizing the activities of the business, which includes use of sophisticated technology in dealing with customers (Fjermestad and Romano, 2006:19). ... With such preparation, the business will serve customers in the best manner possible. As such, customers will not waste their time while waiting to be served. Similarly, the business should be well prepared in sales and marketing. Sales and marketing starts with the incumbent customers and extends to other customers that do not have any information relating to the business. Therefore, the customer service relationship management will have to engage other creative measures in reaching out to other customers in the region. Without such activities, the business is likely to record dismal performance (Winter, Zhao and Aier, 2010:353). In addition to this, there is a need for technical support. This is an aspect that deals with technical and complex issues while dealing with customers. Some customers have technical sues that are not solved without technical support. This will lead to satisfactory delivery of services. This research will use numerous methods in evaluating the customer rela tions management in the micro business. First, it will highlight the technology that is used in customer services (Khosrowpour, 2006:16). Since technology is a vital factor, gathering ample information on this factor will be instrumental in the research. Secondly, the research will reflect on the activities the firm uses in strengthening customer relations. This includes CRM systems used as call centers, CRM representatives that are present in the field, CRM used in telemarketing, CRM systems in the field controlled by managers, CRM systems used for marketing and CRM systems to service customers and clients (Krishnamurthy, 2006:120). Research objectives Research objectives are deemed to highlight on the effectiveness and efficiency of the CRM. If CRM is hell-bent on these objectives,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Healthcare Policy Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare Policy Articles - Essay Example One reason that Brill presents s evidence for the failure of the Affordable Care Act relates to the withdraw of the administration of President Barrack Obama from negotiating and controlling prices of drugs intended for Medicare program. The second reason for the failure of the Obama Care is that policy makers for the program first compelled many people to subscribe to the program without prioritizing review and fixing of health care costs. This move saw large people subscribe to the program with no governmental effort to control costs. The result has been big profits for drug maker, insurance firms, hospitals, and incentives for doctors. The issues presented by Brill in his article present challenging situations to health care organizations and patients. The fact many health care organizations liaise with insurance companies to extort money from patients has led many people to resort to self-diagnosis and over the counter drugs. Patients also suffer because they have to pay huge ins urance premiums but receive inferior care at exaggerated costs. The stakeholders in the article are the nonprofit advocacy organization called MDRC through its President Gordon Berlin and the Center for Global Development. Gina Kolata who is the author of the article claims the Innovation Center established as part of the Obama Care to research on the best way to handle the program will not yield proper outcomes. To support the prediction, the author points at the small number of participants selected through non-random means.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Drugs State Control Essay Example for Free

Drugs State Control Essay A drug is any substance that alters the normal biological functions of the body. Production of Illegal drugs is normally prohibited and their use is strictly controlled because they can lead to addiction or habituation. Drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana can be extremely dangerous if wrongly used and beneficial if put into correct use. The issue of drug use and misuse has posed a serious real problem. Prohibition of drug use has been at the center of discussion in various countries across the globe. Since this drugs are now on the hands of the nastiest criminals all over the world, control and regulations are necessary. The only remedy to this menace is full legalization accompanied by appropriate controls. I fully support the motion that drugs should be legalized since prohibition will deny the authorities the chance to educate the children on proper use of the drugs (Gargaro). The ongoing debate on legalization of drugs is asking the government whether it will help in solving drug problems appropriately. If I were asked a similar question, I would say yes. This is because the current prohibitions on drugs are just mopping up the problem and not providing real solutions. Legalization and taxations are the only ways through which real solutions can be achieved. Just think of this situation; at least every year in Britain, criminals control billions of pounds in the drug industry instead of the government and traders through the black market. This kind of business has encouraged global terrorism, illegal munitions trade, control on prostitution, and sexual slavery. Almost half of all the criminal offenses committed in the country are drug related. Couldn’t reducing these crimes free our legal services and prisons at least for a moment? Unnecessary prohibitions on drug use has led our children into committing drug related crimes, and this has denied them the much needed advice on drugs, besides undermining our respect for the law. The government should therefore take the obvious step, put all the drugs state control, and impose legislation and taxes on their sale. This will relieve our country the burden of staggering under unnecessary prohibitions (Gray). Prohibitions on drug and substance abuse such as alcohol have been in place since the 1920s in the US and other developed countries. It has made people believe that taking it is a criminal activity, which can land someone in jail. The ill effects of the drugs and alcohol are so adverse such that no sane person could like to be associated with them by using the drug. So many people are convinced that these effects are harmful, and have successfully restrained from the habit. It is good to establish such a law in the society, and most government has effectively controlled drug abuse since time immemorial through prohibitions. For example, the alcohol prohibition act of the 1920s proved effective because cases of alcohol consumption greatly dropped even though it did not succeed in eliminating the alcohol. The rate of crime and drunkenness dropped and taxes were reduced by putting the offenders in jail. Minor crimes such as vagrancy, public indecency, and disorderliness have been successfully eliminated use to these prohibitions. This is enough prove that this method really works (C.S). Prohibition of drug use in countries such as the United States, Britain, and other parts of the larger Europe has proved to be futile and the war on drugs in these societies has caused multiple harms to the users. Since prohibition is aimed at increasing price and penalty of a serious drug habit, it makes it unaffordable for most individuals. Penalizing the use of the drugs drives the law-abiding individuals into the criminal market economy. Criminalizing users and prohibitions exposes them to health risks that could have otherwise been avoided. In addition, it doesn’t make sense to criminalize some drugs while providing a free market to others. This distracts attention from legal to those that a re harmful but legal, such as alcohol. The prohibition on drugs has never and will never work. This attempt of trying to deny people their right of doing what they want with their bodies is doomed to fail as long as the person using the drug does not harm his or her neighbor. The current method that has long been used to fight the drug war is very expensive and has not yielded any meaningful results. It is a simplistic solution that has all along failed to recognize the complexity surrounding the problem. It has also been oblivious of the dangers a drug has on the individual. Full scale legalization of the drug act will enable the state to educate the public on risks associated with drug use, and how such problems can be taken care of. While there is a possibility that the act of legalization of drugs will attract more users, their lives will be much healthier and safer. Let us not get speculative here, since we are aware of people who used to take drugs but still leading healthy lives. For instance Barrack Obama to have taken Cocaine (Hope). The common myth surrounding the whole idea of legalizing drugs is that it will make people law abiding citizens, and enable the government to tax the industry. However, I am not sure whether the cartels will be naà ¯ve enough to allow the government takes over such a lucrative business. If the cigarette market has been able to evade the government’s taxing system, what about this industry that has an elaborate network of producers and illegal suppliers in the market? Legalizing and taxing drugs as some argue is not a solution to the drug menace in the world today. The reason is that the black market will be given an easy path to groove is because the act will be made socially acceptable. It will be much easier to take these substances to the market under the legalization act as opposed to government regulated outlets. This would also increase funding for the crime because the drugs will be easily accessed by users who can in turn lure non-users since there are no laws prohibiting the act. What are the results? The drugs will circulate in the society, destroy more lives, tear families, and cause people to be violent. Even if the current war on drugs is not effective, legalizing drugs is much worse and should not be passed into law (James). Conclusion The war on drug has brought more harm than good, and the policy on drug use has failed to protect the people it is intended to. In Mexico alone, the war on drug policy has claimed close to 14,000 lives since 2006. This figure does not however include those people who have been traumatized, maimed or displaced. Prohibitions on drug use have resulted in wars between the authority and the users in most cities across the world, and this battle seems not to be coming to an end any time soon. The war on drug should therefore, be stopped and pave way for the government to impose control measures and legalize the whole business. I support this motion because I believe that the outcomes of such a move would be beneficial, both for the state itself and in the fight against global drugs crime.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Development Of Hip Hop Music Essay

The Development Of Hip Hop Music Essay The hip hop musical genre developed at the same time with the hip hop culture which we can define by stylistic elements such as Raping, Djing, The hip hop music was born at the Bronx of New York city in 1970s basically from African Americans and Jamaican Americans. Often the word rap is used as same meaning with the hip hop but hip hop has an entire subculture. Usually rapping is also called Mcing (emceeing) which is a vocal style in which the artist speaks lyrically in rhyme and with the company of an instrumental or synthesized beat. Beats mostly are created by looping and mixing portions of other songs. The roots of hip hop are found in African-American music and ultimately African music. The griots of West Africa are a group of traveling singers and poets who are part of an oral tradition dating back hundreds of years. Their vocal style is similar to that of rappers. The African-American traditions of signifyingHYPERLINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signifyin', the dozens, and jazz poetry are all descended from the griots. In addition, musical comedy acts such as Rudy Ray Moore and Blowfly are considered by some to be the forefathers of rap. Within New York City, griot-like performances of poetry and music by artists such as The Last Poets, Gil Scott Heron and Jalal Mansur Nuriddin had a significant impact on the post-civil rights era culture of the 1960s and 1970s. Hip hop arose during the 1970s when block parties became increasingly popular in New York City, especially in the Bronx. Block parties incorporated DJs who played popular genres of music, especially funk and soul music. DJs, realizing its positive reception, began isolating the percussion breaks of popular songs. This technique was then common in Jamaican dub music and had spread to New York City via the substantial Jamaican immigrant community. A major proponent of the technique was the godfather of hip hop, the Jamaican-born DJ Kool Herc. Clive Campbell (born April 16, 1955), also known as Kool Herc, DJ Kool Herc and Kool DJ Herc, is a Jamaican-born DJ who is credited with originating hip hop music, in the Bronx, New York City. His playing of hard funk records of the sort typified by James Brown was an alternative both to the violent gang culture of the Bronx and to the nascent popularity of disco in the 1970s. In response to the reactions of his dancers, Campbell began to isolate the instrumental portion of the record which emphasized the drum beat-the break-and switch from one break to another to yet another. Hip hop was almost entirely unknown outside of the United States prior to the early 1980s. During that decade, it began its spread to every inhabited continent and became a part of the music scene in dozens of countries. In the early part of the decade, break dancing became the first aspect of hip hop culture to reach Germany, Japan, Australia and South Africa, where the crew Black Noise established the practice before beginning to rap later in the decade. Meanwhile, recorded hip hop was released in France and the Philippines (Dyords Javiers Na Onseng Delight and Vincent Dafalongs Nunal). In Puerto Rico, Vico C became the first Latino rapper, and his recorded work was the beginning of what became known as reggaeton. Japanese hip hop is said to have begun when Hiroshi Fujiwara returned to Japan and started playing Hip-Hop records in the early 1980s. Japanese hip hop generally tends to be most directly influenced by old school hip hop, taking from the eras catchy beats, dance culture, and overall fun and carefree nature and incorporating it into their music. As a result, hip hop stands as one of the most commercially viable mainstream music genres in Japan, and the line between it and pop music is frequently blurred. Hip hop has globalized into many cultures worldwide, as evident through the emergence of numerous regional scenes. It has emerged globally as a movement based upon the main tenets of hip hop culture. The music and the art continue to embrace, even celebrate, its transnational dimensions while staying true to the local cultures to which it is rooted. Hip-hops inspiration differs depending on each culture. Still, the one thing virtually all hip hop artists worldwide have in common is th at they acknowledge their debt to those African American people in New York who launched the global movement. While hip-hop is sometimes taken for granted by Americans, it is not so elsewhere, especially in the developing world, where it has come to represent the empowerment of the disenfranchised and a slice of the American dream. American hip-hop music has reached the cultural corridors of the globe and has been absorbed and reinvented around the world. Hip Hop music has had many different effects on teens since its inception in the late 1970s. When most people think of rap music today, they immediately think of the gangster or thug mentality that has infested suburban teens with an attitude that reflects the heart of the ghetto. This may normally be revealed through a change in language or slang, as well as a change in appearance or dress. Rap nearly paints a picture to a child of what is going on in the streets. It has a much bigger influence on suburban teens because children who live in poverty strictened areas already have an idea of what that life is really like. Lots of times it comes down to children wanting to be considered cool. As a cultural movement, hip-hop manages to get billed as both a positive and negative influence on young people, especially on Black and Latino youth. On one hand, there are African American activists, artists and entrepreneurs, such as Russell Simmons, who seek to build a progressive political movement among young hip-hop fans and who have had modest success with voter registration efforts. On the other hand, theres no shortage of critics who denounce the negative portrayals of Black people, especially women, in hip-hop lyrics and videos. Recently, a few critics in major U.S. newspapers took note of a well-publicized marketing firm study that cited the cultural influence of hip-hop and reported on sexuality among African American youth in households earning less than $25,000 per year in 10 cities. The study revealed that Black adolescents are becoming sexually active at ages younger than other youth and are suffering from HIV/AIDS at a rate higher than other groups. Political hip hop (also political rap) is a sub-genre of hip hop music that developed in the 1980s. Inspired by 1970s political preachers such as The Last Poets and Gil Scott-Heron, Public Enemy were the first political hip hop group. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five released the first well-known sociopolitical rap song in 1982 called The Message, which inspired numerous rappers to address social and political subjects. Explicitly political hip hop is related to but distinct from conscious hip hop because it refers to artists who have strong and overt political affiliations and agendas, as opposed to the more generalized social commentary typical of conscious hip hop. It can also be used to include political artists of all ideological stripes, whereas the term conscious hip hop generally implies a broadly leftist affiliation or outlook. There are hundreds of artists whose music could be described as political. Black HYPERLINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_nationalismNationalism was one of the driving ideologies behind the militant wing of the North American civil rights movement in the 1970s and early 1980s. It played a major role in early political hip hop and continues to be a major animating force for many contemporary political hip hop artists. Prominent Black Nationalist artists include Tupac Shakur, Public Enemy, Paris, and many others. Marxism has long been a major animating force in social movements worldwide and is no less so in Hip Hop. Without a doubt the two most overtly Marxist groups in the english language have been Marxman and The Coup. Both groups also incorporate(d) Revolutionary Nationalism into their message, Irish Republicanism for Marxman and Black Nationalism for the Coup. For these artists, as with Marxism in general, class struggle and anti-imperialism are major recurring themes. Anarchism has been a major motivating ideology for popular movements around the globe for over a century and is just as relevant in Hip Hop culture. Like Marxist hip hop, class struggle and anti-imperialism are major themes in anarchist hip hop music along with Anti-parliamentarianism and a strong emphasis on intersectionality and the connections between different movements. The need for community-level grassroots organization and opposition to political hierarchy and illegitimate authority are also common themes. Unlike Marxist acts, several of which have been signed to major labels, anarchists artists have generally followed a DIY ethos which has led them to remain independent.Many other artists object to Capitalism in general but prefer not to explicitly identify with either Marxism or Anarchism and instead advocate various other forms of Socialism. The most prominent hip hop acts that describe their politics as socialist are Dead Prez, Blue Scholars, SNIPED, and Sun Rise Above. Immortal Technique identifies himself as a socialist and supports Castro and Leninism. Looptroop Rockers is an anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist hip-hop project from Sweden. Askari X, a rapper hailing from Oakland, CA, has also expressed his loyalty to the African People Socialist Party. Other political hip hop artists advocate a wide range of positions, and often disagree with one another, as can be expected from an extremely diverse global scene. Zionist hip hop acts like Golan and Subliminal, and Palestinian nationalists like the Iron Sheik have obvious fundamental disagreements about a wide range of issues, but both use hip hop music and culture as a vehicle to express themselves and spread their ideas. As hip hop becomes increasingly widespread, artists from many different countries and backgrounds are using it to express many different positions, among them political ones. The nature of hip-hop (as with much music) as an opposing force to the establishment lends itself to such a use. Listening to rap has not been shown to increase suicidal ideation and anxiety or adversely affect self-esteem among college-aged men and women. Oddly enough, students listening to a nonviolent rap song experienced more depressive symptoms than those who listened to a violent rap song. Overall, rap songs are more inclined to generate angry emotions than heavy metal songs. Every so often a new style of music emerges that takes America by storm and comes to represent the generation that grows up with it. In the 50s it was rocknroll, followed by the Motown sound of the 60s. The 1970s brought folk music and disco, and in the 80s it was rap. Perhaps no other form of music has crossed as many boundaries and become a bridge between Americas many cultures as rap has I believe that hip-hop is bringing the cultures together. The sound of hip-hop is one element that shows that our work can be less divided and more united. I support the joining of artists to create unique styles of music. I think that shows that people are more open to change these days. Anymore, most people do not see the differences in colors or backgrounds. This generation has not only grown up with the rap music, but it has grown up with many different cultures. My peers and I grew up and went to school with many black children. From the very beginning, my generation has accepted the differences in body color. Its not strange to see an interracial marriage or two children of different races that are best friends. Hip-hop has pushed the sounds of the different ethnic backgrounds together to speak to all people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Childrens Stories Of The Nineteenth Century English Literature Essay

Childrens Stories Of The Nineteenth Century English Literature Essay memorable adventures that remain popular today. Children continue to feel the heartaches of heroines such as Jo March in Louisa May Alcotts Little Women -which has never gone out of print, (Watson, 2009, p13) and eagerly turn the pages of Robert Louis Stevensons colonialist Treasure Island to read about Jims adventures and bravery. Yet these seemingly fun-filled Bildungsroman stories are reliant upon a value-system delineated by patriarchal constructions of gendered social roles of the late nineteenth century in which they were written. Both novels overtly indicate that in order to achieve personal value or capital (and thus maturity), the boy and girls of these stories are expected to succumb to the social expectations defined by their respective genders, ultimately replacing their juvenile freedom with responsibility and obligation. Consequently, for the purpose of this essay, fatherhood has been interpreted as influential masculine authority that invests both guidance and support in achieving this maturity. These depictions will be compared and contrasted in an attempt to argue that despite absent fathers, seemingly opposite contexts, perspectives and heavily gendered ideals, these novels both depict fatherhoods that challenge the gendered assumptions and values underpinning the imperial beliefs and identities .. of this period (Montgomery, 2009,p108.) Whilst seek(ing) to empower young readers to become active agents of future change'(Sambell, Reader 2, p.386) by challenging the apparent flight from domesticity (Tosh, 1999,p4)of the time. Little Women and Treasure Island stand at the threshold of changing notions about childhood (and consequent changes in childrens literature), between more didactic literature from earlier in the century, and the more purely amusing literature written later. Little Women, focusing on four sisters in a middle-class New England domestic setting, gives particular insight into the changing position of fatherhood to girls and women in American Civil War society, whilst Treasure Island forefronts an imperial masculine identity aimed towards British boys in the height of colonial expansion (Montgomery, 2009,p74). These differing contexts are crucial to consider as they serve as a frame by which the child, and (importantly) parent, reader would interpret the authors messages and ideals of fatherhood, and ultimately contributed to their success. The comparison of the depictions of fatherhood will begin by analysing Alcotts portrayal of key father-figures within Little Women, followed by a comp arative study of fatherhood issues addressed in Treasure island. The March family, with their initially absent father, portrays a female-dominated domestic world in which men, including Laurie, Mr. Lawrence, publishers, suitors, and even Mr. March, play second fiddle. However, the patriarchal society of the time dictate that, just as Jim Hawkins journey towards accruing capital must be initiated by an investment of masculine capital, the lessons of domestic virtue within Little Women are always framed within the context of physically or ethereally present father-figures. Mr. Marchs letter sparks his daughters journeys toward virtue in the novel and he is credited as the guiding source of Marmees goodness as well as providing the time frame for the first half of the book. When Jo questions her mother on how she learned to control her emotions, she turns to the example Mr. March set before her. She claims; He never loses patience, never doubts or complains, but always hopes, and works and waits so cheerfully that one is ashamed to do otherwise before him. He helped and comforted me, and showed me that I must try to practice all the virtues I would have my little girls possess, for I was their example. (p76) Through Alcotts use of heterodiegetic   narrative the reader is shown how each of her daughters strive to become the selfless, loving woman that Marmee represents, and by making Mr March the source of her goodness, Alcott attributes all moral authority and value to him. Alcott, through Mr March, constructed the home and Marmee herself, so that even when he is gone she remains behind, reinforcing the values of the patriarchal domestic authority her husband instilled within her. Alcott states (perhaps a little too earnestly) that despite the clear image of the five energetic women [who] seemed to rule the house (p229) he remains head of the family (p230) and the underlying source of social value and authority in the March family. These (frequent) explicit assertions of need for masculine validation and portrayal of domesticated manliness however, are in complete contrast to the image Alcott uses of his return as an invalid (p168)muffled up to the eyes'(p164). This broken man leaning on his wifes arm (Fetterley, p26), consigned to the library for the majority of the story, seemingly contradicts the very patriarchal assertions that Alcott loudly professes throughout. Similarly, as Fetterley asserts, Mr Marchs illness is consigned to the distant background and only vaguely referred to (ibid) instead hinting at a new form of patriarchal role-model; one that plays second fiddle to God and Mother (p181). Alcotts use of Intertextuality in the thematic elements of Pilgrims Progress woven throughout the plot reaffirm her religious ideologies and highlight the novels links to more didactic nature. Christian becomes a masculine authority of piety and perseverance to whom the March girls look for guidance and strength . Similarly, the March girls are repeatedly instructed to call upon their Heavenly Father to help them bear their burdens. The girls therefore have three ethereal masculine figures of moral authority steering them as they learn to fulfil their gendered roles: their father (in his absence), God, and Christian. When the girls need the physical presence of a man, they have Laurie: The girls describe Laurie as a remarkable boy (p278) whom they use as a standard to measure both other young men and their own behaviour; Angry Jos ill temper is highlighted when even good-natured Laurie had a quarrel with her (p104); Vain Meg first realises her misconduct through Lauries disapproval in Vanity Fair (p87); shy Beth is shown Laurie as a model of accomplishment without conceit (p67); and selfish Amy is saved from thin ice by his composure, from dull Aunt March by his ability to entertain, and from an unsuitable marriage by his reprimand (p74,180,397). Yet, despite this conformance to the conventional father role, the relationships also prove reciprocal as Laurie is also educated by the March girls:   It is Amy who urges Laurie to wake up and be a man (p384), Jo who manages his relationship with his grandfather (p198-203) and he himself credits them for a part of my education (p429) resulting in newly acquired manly virtues (p395.) This re-education of the male characters to conform with the female model that the women provide, along with Marmees pleas for the equal involvement of fatherhood in family life(p366), is put into increasingly successful practice by each of her sons-in-law. Fetterley describes how when Jo gets final father-figure, her big man or Papa Bhaer..her rebellion is neutralized (p29) and suggests Alcotts compliance with the gendered assumptions of fatherhood, yet once again there are clues that covertly challenge this view. Jo and Friedrich exhibit the most reformation of the traditional family in that Jo chooses the life work for herself and her partner, and provides the setting for their new school (Dalke, p563). She is financially independent and ultimately becomes responsible for educating boys. It is the opportunities provided by the strength and stability of the March matriarchy for reinventing manhood that lead the husbands, sons and fathers of Little Women to be re-educated by the women they love. Love which becomes, by the novels end, not the power play described by Fetterley, but rather an act performed mutually by both mothers and fathers to promote the reformation of a patriarchal society by beginning with the reformation of a single family. Like Little Women, Treasure Island can be read as a Bildungsroman, however in direct contrast it involves a rite of passage of Jim Hawkins predominately autodiegetic (retrospective) narration of his journey to maturity from which, as Stevenson notes, Women were excluded (xxvi) (with the exception of Jims mother and Captain Flint- who notably gets the last word in this masculine novel.) Whilst Little Women is saturated with figures of masculine authority and guidance, Treasure Island subjects its protagonist to little or no direct masculine, patriarchal authority as Jims father is fatally ill and soon dies. Yet, unlike Alcotts explicit portrayal of what the children should and should not be, the men Jim comes to admire are neither wholly good nor bad examples; they each contain traits Jim admires and traits he detests, and Jims achievement of independent mature identity lies in his own negotiation of father figures and rival male groupings, reaffirming the ideology of individualism (L oxley, p63) and, like Little Women, emphasising the authors belief in the need for change. In contrast to Mr March, Jims biological father is immediately portrayed as weak and lacking of authority. Jims lack of respect for this authority is demonstrated when he takes Billy Bones money to stand watch instead of helping his father as he should. Stevensons focalisation through young Jim (Montgomery,2009,p99) of his weak, poor father (p11) whose unhappy death (p10) was attributed to his terror (p10) heightens the sense of disappointment and serves to justify Jims delight in the company  of men as different from his father as he can find. Jims disappointment in the chicken-hearted men (p32) in town is also clear; none of whom offer to help his mother retrieve the money owed to  her (ibid) and it is instead left to a woman and a young boy. Stevensons choice of these weak male authorities suggests a failing  model of masculinity, frail in the threat of adversity. Jims father is unable to contend with the problems caused by the pirate; his son, and wife, however, can. In Jims quest  for self-definition it becomes clear that, from the start, Jim respects Long John Silver and prefers him to all other father-figures offered to him. Among the gentlemen, the Squire is too imperceptive and too gullible to carry sufficient moral authority, and too self-involved to be aware of Jims needs. Captain Smollet, from the start, establishes himself as stern and uncompromising. Only Dr Livesey shows any readiness to respond emotionally to Jim, as Sandison suggests, his confident authority (p55), innate compassion and demonstrable integrity (p56) set him up as an appropriate alternative moral authority (p57) but Stevenson questions this choice as a father-figure through his (pirate-like) mercenary pursuit of profit (Loxley, p75). Silvers clean and well-run inn, his  appearance, demeanour, and the obvious efficiency with which he   runs  his  establishment, clearly  impress  Jim and  immediately  contrasts are drawn  to  his biological fathers inability to run his own inn (ibid.) The connection between the two fathers is quickly established and continues when Silver almost immediately  takes on Jims education at the docks (p72-73,) more than we have been told Jims father ever bestowed upon his son. Stevenson differentiates Silver from other pirates such as Flint and Pew, who died a beggar-man (p106) by emphasising how he has a wife and has his money properly invested. Trelawney introduced him as a man of substance: he has a bankers account which has never been overdrawn (p69.) Silver, too, boasts about his financial success: I laid by nine hundred safe, from England, and two thousand after Flint à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ all safe in bank (p101). Silver has a keen eye for accounts and savings, jus t as those pillars of the community, the doctor and the squire, are eager to get their hands on pirate treasure. At odds with the increasingly industrial and imperial society in which Treasure Island was written, was the earlier notion that the domestic sphere . . . is integral to masculinity'(Tosh,1999,p4). In this romantic adventure-story filled with gentlemen, Stevenson leaves a lasting impression that the most admirable are: a boy of fourteen; whose actions from the start are driven by a wish to protect his mother and home, and a crippled pirate; the only married adult in the book besides Jims father. These characters operate in an absence of conventional nineteenth century acceptable masculinity, yet they affirm qualities ascribed to the gentleman as, first, a husband and a father. Stevensons critique of masculinity in the empire, lies in the depiction of Silver as paternal surrogate father to Jim. It is this non-biological redefinition of the father-son relationship in Treasure Island -which Stevenson wrote with input from his young stepson-that the strength of his argument lies. Stevenson seemingly blames the empire for the erosion of British fathers importance in their childrens lives. His juxtaposition of treasure-seeking pirates and gentlemen as potential fathers for Jim portrays scathing critiques of the types of men created by greed, capitalism, and colonialism, and highlights the need for the individual child to be cautious of false promises for adventure. By the end of the novel, Stevensons view of the British Victorian gentleman emerges as part pirate and part child, but most importantly, like the fathers of Little Women both committed to their roles in the family. Despite the obvious contrasts in technique, context, subject matter and style of fatherhoods depicted in Little Women and Treasure Island, similarities have been highlighted in the authors subversion of nineteenth century patriarchal ideals. Both texts have been shown to implicitly promote domesticity in their key father figures, whilst encouraging reformation of the traditional family model by rewarding individualism and therefore seek(ing) to empower young readers to become active agents of future change (Sambell, Reader 2,p.386.) Word Count 2198

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Greek Gods and Myths :: Greece Mythology Gods Goddesses Essays

Greek Gods and Myths Andromeda is a herm pillar St. George defeats a dragon = paganism is replaced by Christianity Perseus travels to the axis mundi (which is always a narrow passageway) He attends Hippodameias marriage where he uses the gorgon head (transmutation of Athena) and changes the dinner guests into stone (herm pillars) He changes the whole nature of Mycenae of the Old Minoan tradition into the age of Zeus The meaning of Mycenae is changed to mushroom, from what it had once been named after the sisterhood The liminal hero has moved forward to Zeus role Another story of Perseus (backwards version) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His dads name is Proitos, and moms name is Strong Cow (Queen) Proitoss daughters are named as the sisterhood of Proitides The Proitides start itching because of the oestral cycle and they become cows They encounter Perseus and tear him to pieces Another Perseus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His name is Bellerophon, which means killer of Belleros He also rides on Pegasus just like Perseus He comes to Strong Cows city Strong cow gets the oestral itch and falls madly in love with Bellerophon He keeps away from her The queen lies to her husband Proitus and says that Bellerophon had raped her Proitus gives Bellerophon a letter that tells him to go to Africa=underworld Bellerophon goes to Africa and then is sent on a mission to find a deadly beast named Chimaera that is composed of a lion with a tail of a serpent. He is successful in finding the Chimaera. And during his mission he sleeps with many women from the underworld. While riding on Pegasus, Pegasus smells the mares on heat on Mt. Olympus and rushes to get there. Bellerophon falls from Pegasus and is maimed. He wanders in the midst of Asia. Hercules (in Greek= Herakles) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If one is moving towards and Olympian identity, they should leave behind their physicality. Herakles gets his name from Hera, sinister name named after the goddess. The false atamology of the name means killer of Hera, or the great queens finger guy. He leans on a pillar and is the pillar guy of the goddess. He is associated with the entheogen of the club=the trunk of the olive tree; lion skin; archery =toxins; and cup of wine Antias -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He is the one who greets you when you come to the underworld. He is an African who has a close association with mother earth, and is chthonic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Drought Essays -- Environment, Agricultural Field

Introduction: Drought is the most significant factor restricting plant production on majority of agricultural field of the world (Tas&Tas, 2007). During drought stress, improper adjustment of photosystem II and thermodynamic damages disrupt the flow of electrons and lead to production of free radicals. Oxidative damages results from incomplete detoxification of reactive oxygen species. Damages caused by oxidative stress includes; inactivation of enzymes, lipid peroxidation, protein degradation and destruction of DNA strands, reduction in chlorophyll content and pigments color (Friso et al., 2004, Gechev et al., 2006; Baruah et al., 2009). Detoxification of reactive oxygen species in plants, includes enzymatic mechanisms (such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalse (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), peroxidase (POX), glutathione reductase (GR) and mono dehydro ascorbate reductase (MDAR) as well as non-enzymatic mechanisms (such as flavonoids, anthocyanins, carotenoids and ascorbic acid, AA) (Friso et al., 2004, Ramachandra Reddi et al., 2004). In enzymatic antioxidant systems, catalase (EC1.11.1.6) is an oxidoreductase located in peroxysomes and considered as an important enzyme to counter hydrogen peroxide produced in stress conditions so that at drought stress conditions new isomorphs of it are released and the rate of former isomorphs increases (Srivalli et al, 2003 and Khana-chopra and Selote, 2007). Peroxidase )EC1.11.1.6( as another enzymatic antioxidant systems, is an oxidoreductase that has one homogeneous –b as a prostatic group and catalysis oxidation of the proton giver compounds with H2O2 and consequently cause H2O2 to breakdown (Jiang and Zhang, 2004). In most studies under drought condition increase in ... ...ion of hydrogen superoxide hydrogen and peroxide occurs and causes disruptions in activity of some scavenger enzymes of reactive oxygen species like catalase in drought stress. This issue leads to increase of lipids peroxidation and finally damages chlorophyll and cell membrane. The plant to alleviate the adverse effects of oxidative stress caused by drought stress increases the activity of some involved enzymes in removing reactive oxygen species, like peroxidase, by stimulation of gene expression. This condition can be seen more in resistant lines. The stress-resistant lines having these traits reduce damaging effects of oxidative stress through degradation and inactivation of reactive oxygen species and because of more stability of cell membrane and chlorophyll under these conditions, access to high yield is probable due to sustaining photosynthetic capacity.